<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/9cb9d83f-2552-48e6-b7c8-2b93853da754/info.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/9cb9d83f-2552-48e6-b7c8-2b93853da754/info.png" width="40px" /> Altis Accelerate is currently in beta. Whilst we do our best to provide fast and stable software, please use best practices when deploying to production (i.e. make use of staging).


<aside> ‼️ ☁️ Altis Cloud users should check the Altis Cloud installation guide first


5-Minute Install

  1. Go to https://wordpress.org/plugins/altis-accelerate/ or use the plugin directory inside your site to install Altis Accelerate.

    Screenshot 2023-08-07 at 08.08.03.png

  2. Once installed, navigate to Accelerate → Settings, there you will want to “Create your account now”

    Screenshot 2023-08-07 at 08.08.53.png

  3. This will take you to our SaaS application to link your site to our analytics solution (required to power A/B testing, personalisation and more). Fill out these minimal details we require, and your site will be connected — this portal will allow you to manage multiple sites.

    Screenshot 2023-08-07 at 08.09.26.png

  4. Once registered, you will be taken back to your site and receive confirmation. At this point, you can use the full suite of tools Accelerate provides 🎉

    Screenshot 2023-08-07 at 08.16.01.png

First Steps

At this point, you’ll be greeted with a very empty dashboard. That’s normal as we need a few days to collect data and start ranking content. Allow for these few days to pass, at which point you’ll have a nice flow of traffic and insights — and a living dashboard 🎉

Your first day using Accelerate, or using it on a staging/dev site will simply look very empty. Give it a few days to come to life with fresh data.

Your first day using Accelerate, or using it on a staging/dev site will simply look very empty. Give it a few days to come to life with fresh data.

<aside> 🔥 Tip — We generate thumbnails for all content. For pages, we use the featured image, and for Global Blocks we have our own rendering engine. This way you can more easily find your blocks as you scan through the dashboard.


Using Accelerate on Altis Cloud

Managing Sites

To manage your account, you can login here. This will allow you to always retrieve API keys, or add additional sites.

You can then monitor all your sites from here.

You can then monitor all your sites from here.