If you are an Altis Cloud customer, or working on behalf of one, read this guide first.

The recommended way to install the Accelerate plugin is to use wpackagist.org.

Installing the plugin via wpackagist

We recommend installing Altis Accelerate via wpackagist, like for other plugins from WordPress.org - this enables installation via Composer, helping your codebase be consistent, and integrating with tools like Dependabot.

(Note: wpackagist is an externally-managed service for installing plugins and themes from WordPress.org, and Altis is not responsible for support of this.)

To install Altis Accelerate via wpackagist:

  1. In your composer.json file, ensure you have the following section (the repositories section may already be present):

    			"type": "composer",
    			"url": "<https://wpackagist.org>",
    			"only": [
  2. Run composer require wpackagist-plugin/altis-accelerate

Version 17 or later

Once you’ve installed the plugin, follow the regular installation guide to configure Accelerate.

No further special steps are necessary!

Version 16 or earlier

Altis Cloud v16 and earlier include the Analytics module, which is incompatible with Altis Accelerate. Accelerate includes the features available through the Analytics module, and represents the next generation of this functionality.

To use Accelerate, you need to switch off the Native Analytics and reusable blocks features using the following configuration:

	"extra": {
		"altis": {
			"modules": {
				"analytics": {
					"native": false
				"cms": {
					"reusable-blocks": false

You can now follow the standard installation guide for the rest of the process!